Hi Teachers,
Please scroll down to see resources for The Boy, the Witch and the Queen of Scots, Rivet Boy, The Reluctant Rebel, The Chessmen Thief, The Siege of Caerlaverock, Black Water, Wilderness Wars, Punch and Fir for Luck. All are free to download.
If you are interested in activities linking in with Jacobites, Highland Clearances, Victorian and Eco- topics, as well as reading for pleasure, feel free to check out my blog. Teaching resources for Rivet Boy, The Chessmen Thief, Black Water and The Siege of Caerlaverock are also available for free download on the Cranachan Publishing resources page.
The Boy, the Witch & the Queen of Scots
Rivet Boy
For my Victorian adventure Rivet Boy, download task maps and additional links and activities below.
The Reluctant Rebel
Please download the teaching resources for The Reluctant Rebel below.
The Chessmen Thief
Please see below resources for The Chessmen Thief, a Viking adventure and an origin story for the famous Lewis Chessmen. Included is a Reflective Reading task map as well as a Viking themed Drama unit.
The Siege of Caerlaverock
Please see below the resources for The Siege of Caerlaverock. We collaborated with Historic Environment Scotland on these resources and are delighted with the comprehensive package here! It’s a free zip file download and really comprehensive.

There is a larger and much more comprehensive resource pack to download HERE which incudes a wide range of resources and activities related to the Middle Ages and the Scottish Wars of Independence, kindly provided by Historic Environment Scotland in collaboration with Cranachan Publishing.
Black Water
See below for the resource pack for my Robert Burns smuggling novella, based on real events in the poet’s life: Black Water. It’s ideal for smuggling and pirate topics and for the run-up to Burns Day. I’ve also included a short play-script of the story of Black Water, ideal for a Burns assembly or similar.
Wilderness Wars
Download the resource pack for my eco-thriller Wilderness Wars below, ideal for eco-, environment and natural disasters topics.

In addition, I’ve created a free resource pack (for teachers in upper primary/lower secondary, linking to the Curriculum for Excellence) for PUNCH, my Victorian novel. Or try your class with the Victorian Bicentenary Quiz. The ‘with answers’ section also includes set-up instructions.

Fir for Luck

Finally, for teaching resources covering Highland Clearances and Fir for Luck, click the download button below.
If there is anything else you’d like to see here, please let me know. I love hearing from teachers and I really enjoy visiting schools. π